Latest news
Every cent you donate is dedicated
to help blood cancer patients receive the best treatment
Different blood cancer
patients need different treatment, and the costs required
are not affordable by everyone. The following is a brief
report of the number of patients that our foundation
has helped:
and molecular monitoring of disease relapse following
bone marrow transplantation
Number of patients
helped: 100
Subsidy needed for every patient: $10,000
Total donation amount from the Foundation: $1,000,000
Brief introduction
Bone marrow transplant is one of the most effective
ways to treat blood cancer. Unfortunately, cancer recurrence
happens to some patients, even after bone marrow transplant.
The Foundation is now offering its support to the cytogenetic
and molecular monitoring service, offering regular checkups
for patients after bone marrow transplants to detect
signs of cancer recurrence, so that suitable treatment
can be applied to raise chances of recovery. This monitoring
service makes use of advanced cytogenetic and molecular
monitor technology, and can discover the existence of
one blood cancer cell from out of a million normal cells.
and therapy for chronic hepatitis B carriers who are
receiving chemotherapy and/or bone marrow transplantation
for blood cancers
Number of patients helped:
Subsidy needed for every patient: $20,000
Total donation amount from the Foundation: $800,000
of graft versus host disease after bone marrow transplantation
using a monoclonal antibody "Simulect"
Number of patients helped:
Subsidy needed for every patient: $20,000
Total donation amount from the Foundation: $400,000
of chronic myeloid leukaemia using "Glivec"
Number of patients helped:
Total donation amount from the Foundation: $180,000
Treatment of
lymphoma using a monoclonal antibody "Mabthera"
Number of patients helped:
Subsidy needed for every patient: $100,000
Total donation amount from the Foundation: $1,000,000
Free shuttle
service for patients, 2004-2005
Blood cancer patients often
feel weak during chemotherapy, and traveling to hospital
through public transport is always a burden to their
bodies as well as their pockets. The Foundation has
supported The Hong Kong Bone Marrow Transplant Patients'
Association by providing a shuttle service for cancer
patients living in remote areas.
The shuttle service route
Tin Shui Wai
Sheung Shui KCR Station
Tai Wo KCR Station
Fo Tan KCR Station
Tsuen Wan MTR Station
Queen Mary Hospital
(Mondays to Thursdays, return route not offered)